Thursday 10 March 2011

to much routine.

Now I'm not really one to complain, but lately I've realised how much routine is dictating my life. Don't get me wrong, sometimes its good and I know what I'm supposed to be doing. But more recently I've really noticed how same-y my life is. I get up at the same time 5 days in a row, I eat the same breakfast, I put on the same uniform, I leave my house at the same time, I get to school at the same time, I have the same time timetable all day everyday, I go home from school at the same time, and then time wastes away until I go to bed and then it starts all over again..

I sort of want it to go away, for a whole week and to leave me alone.

I want to get up when I want, do what I want that day, not just as a weekend, but each day wake up in a different country.
I think Day 1 I would spend on a beach in Australia, BBQ-ing and attempting to surf, wearing summer clothes all day.
Day 2 I would wake up in Italy and have my culture fix, visit Rome and Venice see everything I've ever wanted.
Day 3 I would open my curtains in The Alps and learn to ski for that day, try some good old French food.
Day 4 I would be in Africa, where the Elephants roam, the giraffes, lions and all sorts. Really see the scenery and nature that's out there.
Day 4 I would spend my day in Hollywood, see if the dream really is the reality.
Day 5 I would run away to China and see how they live for a day, all the oriental food and dresses. The towns and streets.
Day 6 I would pop back to America to have my day in New York, see Brooklyn and Madison Avenue. The Empire State and the Statue of Liberty.
And on my final day of Day 7 I would find my own desert island, mine all mine. Have the perfect day on the beach, just watch the water and the world go by, sleep in a hammock and attempt to catch fish, sun bathe and sleep, read and read and read. No technology at all, just nature.

That is how I would spend my week, if routine wasn't involved.

Tuesday 1 March 2011


Don't you just love it when you pick up that book from the shelf that you've been meaning to read for god knows how long, and you storm through it? Every page, every word is so exilerating to read you cant put it down, not even for a moment. Your so beyond obsessed with it, that you have to finish it, but you cant ! You want to know what happens, but it cant ever end.

I read A Tiny Bit Marvellous and wow, thats all i can say. If anyone is reading this, buy it; borrow it; any means necassary you must read it !

Does anyone else do it, when they imagine themselves as the person speaking, or being in their world? Not intruding or anything, but experiencing their life. That would be great, when your feeling down, just to jump into someone elses world, someone imagination, a perfect place to ignore anything else.

I absolutely adore books, they are the best thing when everything is bad, you can just ignore the whole world. Headphones in, book up, comfy sofa and sorted. The world is right once again when my heads in a book.  I could go for hours not talking to anyone just reading to myself.