Wednesday 26 January 2011

enchanted to meet you

The very muchly loved song from Taylor swift, which i do have playing right this moment. But its true, right? Every single person that crosses your path, enters your life they change it. Even by the slightest bit, its different. Maybe the way you think, what you feel on something, have a new opinion on something else, or wear something else because you never thought you like it until they stepped into your life and showed you how. Music even, they showed you this song, maybe they liked it, or they tried to show you how they felt using that song, either way, your life is defined by the people in it.

I have many people in my life who i love beyond words. Acquaintances don't really fit into that group admittedly, but perhaps they changed your mind on something. A person, food, clothes, music?

I didn't really listen to the same kind of music until someone i knew showed it to me, and i loved it! It fitted into how i felt, they knew how i felt. And it worked.

People who define your life are say the 'definers' you, on the other hand, are the 'definee'. Its not a purposely done thing, its you sharing with somebody else. I think it defines us as a person. Not just a manufactured mannequin who follow the crowd until the ends of the earth. There are so many of them, its crazy! Bonkers in fact (another much loved word). So sometimes the first person to do it, did it because they love it. Say hair dying - if someone dyed their hair a slightly red-y colour, and then 3 weeks later, half the world has it too! Its not being individual.
Its seeing someone else, thinking 'ooh they're popular' and become a clone of them. That isn't being unique, its a copy cat. Of course there are people who truly wanted to do it first, but never got round to it, or weren't allowed, and then now its such a common thing, whats the point?
I wanted to pierce part of my ear, the cartilage part, and i wasn't allowed and a few weeks later what happened? Oh just the whole world had what i wanted. Its not being selfish, I'm being honest.

I think individual people - someone who doesn't go-with-the-flow but stops, turns 180 degrees around and skips around the wrong way - are real. They are the people who define this world, who define me and you. Crowds of people who follow a trend aren't real, they are factory bred, influenced by the media. But what really gets on my nerves right now, is its trendy to be individual, okay fair enough. But being individual isn't a trend its just you, a choice in your life. Magazines can't tell you that now its okay and 'cool' to be individual, they should of known it all along. Its trying to be something you're not, don't try and be someone your not, it wont ever happen.

Be unique. Be younique.

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