Wednesday 5 January 2011

Stereotype labelling..

In ethics earlier today where I endure the worst of all things.. an ethics teacher. I wont go into detail of who it is or anything, but the topic got me thinking of something to write on here. It was about being prejudice, now thats not what I'm going to 'blog' about, but perhaps a sub-topic from it. Stereotypes. Not like race or anything. But how in schools you are labelled, and how ever much you try, one cannot shake the label that has been tagged to them.
So you have you geeks, and the populars, the emo's, the rockers and the indies, the outcasts, floaters (who arent really in any group), the slags, the smokers crowd, not really 'jocks' or anything like that, but definitely the arty farty group, and I guess you have the group who shouldnt really be together but they do cos they are so weird, crazy, bonkers, fun, and a little bit mad. I suppose thats where I fit in.

Geeks - a peculiar or otherwise dislikable person, esp. one who is perceived to be overly intellectual - typical right? So you will now imagine them with ankle swinging trousers, hard collar shirts, a bow tie, glasses, possibly spots and a calculator and ruler in their hands. But really they're not, they are damn smart and generally lovely people once you get to know them.

Populars - regarded with favor, approval, or affection by an acquaintance or acquaintances - generally true, but now you would think of them as nasty people who only let others who they like in their group, which sometimes I have found is true. But an exception I have found is that they are to scared and worried about themselves to let a newcomer into their group. Let it go, seriously? You will be popular, don't worry, no one else wants that harsh job.

Emo - are a group of people that are similar to goths, they wear alot of black, tight jeans and a tight usually black hooded zipped jumper. they listen to a lot of pop punk and gothic music. - again not true I believe. Black definitely, but dark colours too and I have found baggy jeans popular as well. Being emo is an image it seems, but its generally an emotional thing (get it?) Music? Spot on, and A LOT of it. Kind of like an emotional outlet.

Rockers/Indies - People with their own style, particularly one that is criticized by others. They generally like Indie Rock music, and wear a lot of little kid's jewellery. - Not true again, lots of people like indie types of music and again just if you were a teeeny bit of childhood jewellery. baaaaam! your a rocker/indie. But they are individual, and generally don't care what other people think, I must say 'good on em' and people on criticize them because they don't have the guts to do it themselves.

Outcasts and Floaters - someone who doesn't belong in his main social area (work, school, the street) Has only a few friends, but usually doesn't really hang out with them. People make fun of them, and are used by other people. - Harsh, horrible words, they are used like that, and its cruel ! They are kind-hearted people, who when are older will show their true colours and will succeed, in everyway they are misunderstood, and nice people.

Slags and Smokers - well, pretty obvisous in the name but to clarify - smokes illegal substances. Pretty much all you can say, and admittidly this is practically spot on, but some people are led on by peer pressure, and vile sort of bullying and even home life can affect this.

Arty Farty - I guess I made this one up, but it is true. People who don't really do much else except for art and they are good at it, so god knows why the practise. Misunderstood for being weird and not really good at things, but their drawing makes up for it. Labelled because of their difference from maybe the 'populars' or any other group.

And last, but most definitely not the least - the slightly mad, bonkers misfitted group. - Love each other for who they truly are, wouldnt change for anything and are again misunderstood by other labels for being an odd bunch, but really do they care? I doubt it, they are to strong for that. Usually got a few people from each group who sort of hang on the edge of their label.

All in all, people arent who they really seem. But hey, thats life right?

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