Monday 3 January 2011

The Little Purple Tin

So you have the blue, green and red tins for the vasiline right? I want the purple one. Infact I have decided I should be the purple one, like a new limited edition tin. And theres only one. Me. Well really I made that up on the spot, I had to call my blog something and then explain why I called it that, and there was a little blue tin infront of me, so I thought to seize the opportunity.

Your probabley wondering what on earth I'm talking about, but it doesnt matter. I'll change the subject..

My best friend said to me one night to write this blog, I thought it would be crazy, but less than 12 hours later, here I am writing away. Its what I want to do, write, I'd write about anything, absolutely anything. English is my favourite thing in the whole wide world, and a little secret, I actually look forward to it on the days I have it. I adore it. The teacher..not so much, but it doesnt matter because I am taught how to improve and make the world love my writing just as much as I love writing it.

So to set the scene, I am sat on the floor of my room, with the laptop on my legs, staring and a screen with a blue banner across the top, and a box for my writing. Mine, all mine. No one has told me what to write so I will let my hands type away. But to be honest, again, I'm really not to sure on what I'm supposed to be wrting about. But so far I'm enjoying it.

Maybe I should tell you about myself, well there is the 'about me' section, but its not in very much detail. Charley for starters I guess is obvious, tall, curly blonde hair, same old same old, but for me. I'm the only one. I love to be happy, to laugh, and to smile. Life wouldnt be the same if you didn't. I have old vogue covers all across the wall and a whole wall covered in magazine cuttings. My lifeline is definitely my phone, it may be superficial I know, but I wouldnt be on here if I didnt have it ! More about me, I guess I love VW camper vans, every single time I see one, all I think is.. I want you ! I will own one, even if I'm 73 I will have it parked on my driveway staring at me. Dresses ya' see are another favourite, florals especially but then again I like all of them

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