Saturday 22 October 2011

thoughts on the stars.

Don't you see the sky as a screen to the outer world that we may never really understand. It's spectacular of course, but it almost taunts us with its mesmerizing beauty and secrets which it holds so close to its heart that we may never be fully revealed to them. The stars, tiny pin pricks in the screen that we are hidden behind just letting enough light through for us to notice and appreciate.

And so what is a shooting star? A little piece of heaven falling from the sky? That must be why we all wish on them, a piece of heaven coming to remind us that no matter what a wish can always come true. Admittedly my wishes have never come true but that doesn't mean I'll stop trying.

I think my favourite thing about the stars is the fact that we can't have them, and we want them so much. You can name them and get a piece of paper saying they're yours but they're not really. You will never be able to capture their light and hold it in a jar like a collection of fireflies. But they don't go away either, even during the day time, although they are hidden they haven't really gone anywhere. If they were out all of the time we would appreciate them as much as we do when they finally show themselves to us, let us take a look at infinite beauty and perfection which is so unbeknown to us.

"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." An utterly charming quote from Oscar Wilde, who's spiritual side was almost as strong as his persistence to find beauty.

They have seen and experienced what humans are capable of, the stunning results of peace that we can create. How, in the dark times where everyone is needed they watch and never give up on us. Stars, the ones each pair of eyes has gazed upon at least once are all ours to see and take in. And although they may not be seen each night they are always there.

So when a person says aim for the stars, do it.

Thursday 23 June 2011

always look up.

Today, on the way to school this morning I decided to look up at the sky. It was unreal, the moon, the sun, the clouds and the sky. Four of the most amazing things in this universe.

It was the moon really, I never really noticed how intriguing it is during that day. Of course everyone notices at night, how can you not? Its the brightest thing there and accompanied with a thousands stars its just something which shouldn't go unnoticed. Thus, I have made a decision that from now on to look up.

The floor is so boring. Concrete. Grass. Brick. Great, its amazing.. The sky on the other hand it just unlocks everything about itself. It's open to you're own interpretation, especially the clouds. I love just laying on the grass and watching the cloud form into something which tricks your brain. You think of the most wild and unrealistic things and yet once the image is in your head you can really see it.

As I was walking home today I remembered my realization of the morning and looked up. What did I see? A flock of birds dancing on the air. It was a much nicer sight than the floor, the grey cold floor. The sky was so bright and vivid and the birds were phenomenal, they were exactly how you would draw them.

Always look up means something else as well, it shouldn't just mean look to the sky, but look on the bright side of things, the upside, the positive things of everything, being optimistic can change your day.

Try and pick out the good things of everything, sometimes its difficult and almost seems impossible - like trying to say something nice about someone you really do not like. But it makes you a better person on the inside and will then make your day (and possibly theirs) better.

Don't look down, look up. Its much nicer up there.

Monday 30 May 2011


What is beauty? Perfection of a human? Or a human itself? It isn't the outer skin-deep shell of someone, it's the inner concealed traits of someone who denies what other people see in them.

The skin-deep shell of a person could perhaps be considered beauty to the eye, but a face can't speak what the heart holds, the mouth, of course speaks but its only a window, glass traps it before the mouth can truly tell the words. How else would we be able to differentiate between beauty and physical attractiveness? The eyes and mind could be the ones to blame, but the heart knows what is real.

Being pretty isn't a disadvantage in anyway at all, in fact why should it be? Models are paid to be pretty. Writers are paid to show beauty. They unravel the details in which could be seen on a person and don't exaggerate, with a writer what you read is what you get. Models. How can you tell? Of course they are pretty they wouldn't be paid if they weren't, but how much is real? What is makeup and computers editing to a writer? Words are words . Beauty in themselves.

I only compared beauty to words because that's what I think of it. Beauty can be found in a person, but only if they accept themselves for who they are. Beauty has been stereotyped for looks and women, why? Men, animals, places, music and art can be beautiful too. Why wouldn't it be?

Its opinion only. Beauty is held within each and every person. They just have to accept themselves.

Monday 23 May 2011


Photographs, they are inspired little pieces of memories and happiness all rolled together into a shiny piece of paper trapped behind a thin glass panel with a frame to reflect the beauty of it all.

I have phots all around my room, I find that it gives me a sense of who I am. Some of my favourite memories are caught in a photograph forever. Memories fade but once they are caught on paper, time cannot steal it away from you.

I love going through old photos and then a whole story unravels just from one snapshot moment where an insightful genius thought to take an everlasting photo. And how some people seem to remember more then you did, and sharing the moment makes it an even better experience.

Having photographs from when you were younger shows how much you change, it shows how people grow. If you took a photo everyday for 3 or so years, the difference from the beginning to the end would be phenomenal, a person would grow right infront of your eyes. Every change would be noticed.

Taking photographs when you're on holiday as well the entire holiday can be summed up in just one photograph - generally the one with everyone in, its absolutely hilarious and the smiles are the windows which show the hearts feeling.

Photographs were made to show the memories we forget; to remember the things we thought we had forgotten; to tell stories we know and love; and never forget the people we had the best times of our life with.

Thursday 19 May 2011


Did you know the human brain produces approximately 70,000 thoughts on an average day? Now, in my head I'm almost 100% that my brain works overtime. There is never a time when I'm not thinking. I absolutely love it, I love that anything can happen. And although sometimes bad thinking occurs, I am adamant that it's just so I can think about happier things more, like my brain tricks me into it. How? I don't honestly know.

I come up with scenarios in my head, things that would never ever ever happen but would be so amazing if they could. I would tell you, but even to me it doesn't make that much sense.
Day-dreaming as well! I stare into space and let my mind wander off in all directions, all across my imagination. There has never been a time where I can't think of one more thing to keep my train of thought going, I have never hit the edge, the walls, the corners of the box that contains my whole brain secret and all to myself. Each string of thoughts seem to go on forever but life interupts and the day carries on as if nothing had ever happened.

I love that in your mind everything is private, its all yours. Nothing intrudes, its so complex as well. My mind seems to wonder off on a tangent by itself (if that's possible?) I love thoughts, some of them I find are so funny and like me that I want to write them all down, but impossible really.

My imagination runs wild with me, sometimes in the wrong direction and I think of unrealistic things but other times its exactly what I needed to know.

Tuesday 3 May 2011


If you could bottle happiness up and keep it in a jar, my room, no my house would be full to the brim! Can you imagine it? Jars, pots and bottles full of happiness, and when it seemed like you were carrying the worlds weight on your shoulders open up a jar and let it wrap around you. Feel its warmth and love, like a hug but so much more and then so much less. By less I mean there isn't a person putting there arms around you but more is that it fills you up like pouring water in a glass.

Being happy is like no other feeling in the universe, it has to be savoured and remembered so by bottling it there will always be a hand to lend or a friendly face when the world is against you.

Happiness comes in small pockets of life, when you see friends, when something goes your way for once, being lucky, winning something, eating your favourite thing in the whole entire world, doing a good thing for someone else, seeing a photograph which brings back forgotten memories, seeing someone you thought you wouldn't for a while, dancing in the rain, laughing on your own, just laughing, jumping about to a random song with the best people in the world, hearing a song you forgot about, just smiling, seeing the person you love, doing something nice to someone else who really needed it.
It doesn't have to be superficial happiness ~ creating something which isn't there. But true happiness needs to be made in the spur of the moment.

Even just writing this has made me smile, and think of everything funny, happy, crazy, cheery, jolly that has ever happened. If I could make the whole world smile for one day, that would make my life.

The world can be optimistic.

Thursday 7 April 2011


Dreams.. they aren't just the imagination running wild at night. I dream every night, I can almost guarantee it. But every single dream is different.

I dream during the day too. I find myself walking along the road in my own little world. Someone starts talking to me, they say my name and I get this rush all of a sudden I'm back.. in this world. Not in the world I want to be in, the world where anything can happen, and if someone gets hurt you know that when you wake up, it will all be okay.

I think, it makes the day better. Makes it worth it. If we didn't have dreams or ideas, what would we have? A world of grey, bleak nothingness. What's the point in that? But in my world, or your world, everything is amazing and perfect! Anything can happen.
I had a dream the other day, that I could fly. Okay.. Yes, maybe I'm a little to old for that, but I woke up and all I could think about was Me. Flying.
Who wouldn't want that?!

I dream about the future too. Not just my future. But every ones, the whole entire universe. What it would be like. I came up with everything.. the works! We had hover cars, and all these clever robots and global warming wasn't around, we'd fixed all of the problems.. and had Aliens, which therefore meant we had conquered space. Well I hoped we had.

My future counts too. What I want to do keeps me going. I want to write, and hopefully this is the starting point. A very special friend told me to do this, I'm not sure if he still reads this, we've drifted, but he means the world to me. And I hope he reads this, otherwise I'll be speaking to nobody. So this is how it started, a small teeny weeny dream, some encouragement and then.. this is all I think about! All I want to do is write. Maybe this is the turning point.

Dreaming, is everything. Don't ever forget it. Anything can happen.

Thursday 10 March 2011

to much routine.

Now I'm not really one to complain, but lately I've realised how much routine is dictating my life. Don't get me wrong, sometimes its good and I know what I'm supposed to be doing. But more recently I've really noticed how same-y my life is. I get up at the same time 5 days in a row, I eat the same breakfast, I put on the same uniform, I leave my house at the same time, I get to school at the same time, I have the same time timetable all day everyday, I go home from school at the same time, and then time wastes away until I go to bed and then it starts all over again..

I sort of want it to go away, for a whole week and to leave me alone.

I want to get up when I want, do what I want that day, not just as a weekend, but each day wake up in a different country.
I think Day 1 I would spend on a beach in Australia, BBQ-ing and attempting to surf, wearing summer clothes all day.
Day 2 I would wake up in Italy and have my culture fix, visit Rome and Venice see everything I've ever wanted.
Day 3 I would open my curtains in The Alps and learn to ski for that day, try some good old French food.
Day 4 I would be in Africa, where the Elephants roam, the giraffes, lions and all sorts. Really see the scenery and nature that's out there.
Day 4 I would spend my day in Hollywood, see if the dream really is the reality.
Day 5 I would run away to China and see how they live for a day, all the oriental food and dresses. The towns and streets.
Day 6 I would pop back to America to have my day in New York, see Brooklyn and Madison Avenue. The Empire State and the Statue of Liberty.
And on my final day of Day 7 I would find my own desert island, mine all mine. Have the perfect day on the beach, just watch the water and the world go by, sleep in a hammock and attempt to catch fish, sun bathe and sleep, read and read and read. No technology at all, just nature.

That is how I would spend my week, if routine wasn't involved.

Tuesday 1 March 2011


Don't you just love it when you pick up that book from the shelf that you've been meaning to read for god knows how long, and you storm through it? Every page, every word is so exilerating to read you cant put it down, not even for a moment. Your so beyond obsessed with it, that you have to finish it, but you cant ! You want to know what happens, but it cant ever end.

I read A Tiny Bit Marvellous and wow, thats all i can say. If anyone is reading this, buy it; borrow it; any means necassary you must read it !

Does anyone else do it, when they imagine themselves as the person speaking, or being in their world? Not intruding or anything, but experiencing their life. That would be great, when your feeling down, just to jump into someone elses world, someone imagination, a perfect place to ignore anything else.

I absolutely adore books, they are the best thing when everything is bad, you can just ignore the whole world. Headphones in, book up, comfy sofa and sorted. The world is right once again when my heads in a book.  I could go for hours not talking to anyone just reading to myself.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

enchanted to meet you

The very muchly loved song from Taylor swift, which i do have playing right this moment. But its true, right? Every single person that crosses your path, enters your life they change it. Even by the slightest bit, its different. Maybe the way you think, what you feel on something, have a new opinion on something else, or wear something else because you never thought you like it until they stepped into your life and showed you how. Music even, they showed you this song, maybe they liked it, or they tried to show you how they felt using that song, either way, your life is defined by the people in it.

I have many people in my life who i love beyond words. Acquaintances don't really fit into that group admittedly, but perhaps they changed your mind on something. A person, food, clothes, music?

I didn't really listen to the same kind of music until someone i knew showed it to me, and i loved it! It fitted into how i felt, they knew how i felt. And it worked.

People who define your life are say the 'definers' you, on the other hand, are the 'definee'. Its not a purposely done thing, its you sharing with somebody else. I think it defines us as a person. Not just a manufactured mannequin who follow the crowd until the ends of the earth. There are so many of them, its crazy! Bonkers in fact (another much loved word). So sometimes the first person to do it, did it because they love it. Say hair dying - if someone dyed their hair a slightly red-y colour, and then 3 weeks later, half the world has it too! Its not being individual.
Its seeing someone else, thinking 'ooh they're popular' and become a clone of them. That isn't being unique, its a copy cat. Of course there are people who truly wanted to do it first, but never got round to it, or weren't allowed, and then now its such a common thing, whats the point?
I wanted to pierce part of my ear, the cartilage part, and i wasn't allowed and a few weeks later what happened? Oh just the whole world had what i wanted. Its not being selfish, I'm being honest.

I think individual people - someone who doesn't go-with-the-flow but stops, turns 180 degrees around and skips around the wrong way - are real. They are the people who define this world, who define me and you. Crowds of people who follow a trend aren't real, they are factory bred, influenced by the media. But what really gets on my nerves right now, is its trendy to be individual, okay fair enough. But being individual isn't a trend its just you, a choice in your life. Magazines can't tell you that now its okay and 'cool' to be individual, they should of known it all along. Its trying to be something you're not, don't try and be someone your not, it wont ever happen.

Be unique. Be younique.

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Stereotype labelling..

In ethics earlier today where I endure the worst of all things.. an ethics teacher. I wont go into detail of who it is or anything, but the topic got me thinking of something to write on here. It was about being prejudice, now thats not what I'm going to 'blog' about, but perhaps a sub-topic from it. Stereotypes. Not like race or anything. But how in schools you are labelled, and how ever much you try, one cannot shake the label that has been tagged to them.
So you have you geeks, and the populars, the emo's, the rockers and the indies, the outcasts, floaters (who arent really in any group), the slags, the smokers crowd, not really 'jocks' or anything like that, but definitely the arty farty group, and I guess you have the group who shouldnt really be together but they do cos they are so weird, crazy, bonkers, fun, and a little bit mad. I suppose thats where I fit in.

Geeks - a peculiar or otherwise dislikable person, esp. one who is perceived to be overly intellectual - typical right? So you will now imagine them with ankle swinging trousers, hard collar shirts, a bow tie, glasses, possibly spots and a calculator and ruler in their hands. But really they're not, they are damn smart and generally lovely people once you get to know them.

Populars - regarded with favor, approval, or affection by an acquaintance or acquaintances - generally true, but now you would think of them as nasty people who only let others who they like in their group, which sometimes I have found is true. But an exception I have found is that they are to scared and worried about themselves to let a newcomer into their group. Let it go, seriously? You will be popular, don't worry, no one else wants that harsh job.

Emo - are a group of people that are similar to goths, they wear alot of black, tight jeans and a tight usually black hooded zipped jumper. they listen to a lot of pop punk and gothic music. - again not true I believe. Black definitely, but dark colours too and I have found baggy jeans popular as well. Being emo is an image it seems, but its generally an emotional thing (get it?) Music? Spot on, and A LOT of it. Kind of like an emotional outlet.

Rockers/Indies - People with their own style, particularly one that is criticized by others. They generally like Indie Rock music, and wear a lot of little kid's jewellery. - Not true again, lots of people like indie types of music and again just if you were a teeeny bit of childhood jewellery. baaaaam! your a rocker/indie. But they are individual, and generally don't care what other people think, I must say 'good on em' and people on criticize them because they don't have the guts to do it themselves.

Outcasts and Floaters - someone who doesn't belong in his main social area (work, school, the street) Has only a few friends, but usually doesn't really hang out with them. People make fun of them, and are used by other people. - Harsh, horrible words, they are used like that, and its cruel ! They are kind-hearted people, who when are older will show their true colours and will succeed, in everyway they are misunderstood, and nice people.

Slags and Smokers - well, pretty obvisous in the name but to clarify - smokes illegal substances. Pretty much all you can say, and admittidly this is practically spot on, but some people are led on by peer pressure, and vile sort of bullying and even home life can affect this.

Arty Farty - I guess I made this one up, but it is true. People who don't really do much else except for art and they are good at it, so god knows why the practise. Misunderstood for being weird and not really good at things, but their drawing makes up for it. Labelled because of their difference from maybe the 'populars' or any other group.

And last, but most definitely not the least - the slightly mad, bonkers misfitted group. - Love each other for who they truly are, wouldnt change for anything and are again misunderstood by other labels for being an odd bunch, but really do they care? I doubt it, they are to strong for that. Usually got a few people from each group who sort of hang on the edge of their label.

All in all, people arent who they really seem. But hey, thats life right?

Monday 3 January 2011

The Little Purple Tin

So you have the blue, green and red tins for the vasiline right? I want the purple one. Infact I have decided I should be the purple one, like a new limited edition tin. And theres only one. Me. Well really I made that up on the spot, I had to call my blog something and then explain why I called it that, and there was a little blue tin infront of me, so I thought to seize the opportunity.

Your probabley wondering what on earth I'm talking about, but it doesnt matter. I'll change the subject..

My best friend said to me one night to write this blog, I thought it would be crazy, but less than 12 hours later, here I am writing away. Its what I want to do, write, I'd write about anything, absolutely anything. English is my favourite thing in the whole wide world, and a little secret, I actually look forward to it on the days I have it. I adore it. The teacher..not so much, but it doesnt matter because I am taught how to improve and make the world love my writing just as much as I love writing it.

So to set the scene, I am sat on the floor of my room, with the laptop on my legs, staring and a screen with a blue banner across the top, and a box for my writing. Mine, all mine. No one has told me what to write so I will let my hands type away. But to be honest, again, I'm really not to sure on what I'm supposed to be wrting about. But so far I'm enjoying it.

Maybe I should tell you about myself, well there is the 'about me' section, but its not in very much detail. Charley for starters I guess is obvious, tall, curly blonde hair, same old same old, but for me. I'm the only one. I love to be happy, to laugh, and to smile. Life wouldnt be the same if you didn't. I have old vogue covers all across the wall and a whole wall covered in magazine cuttings. My lifeline is definitely my phone, it may be superficial I know, but I wouldnt be on here if I didnt have it ! More about me, I guess I love VW camper vans, every single time I see one, all I think is.. I want you ! I will own one, even if I'm 73 I will have it parked on my driveway staring at me. Dresses ya' see are another favourite, florals especially but then again I like all of them